Sunday, June 26, 2011

Diagnostic Survey Part 3

Before I began to give my survey I observed weekly scout activities and generally let myself sink into the patterns of daily life at the clubhouse. I wanted to be perceived as part of the group and to gauge what would be an appropriate approach in terms of logistics and of the organizational culture. Each week before Saturday activities, I gave a breif announcement on the survey to get the kids used to the idea and I consulted with Pablo as to the best way to go about having the kids fill it out and also survey community members.

The whole process sort of came together in slow-motion and I think it's going all the more smoothly as a result. Last Saturday, I called meetings of the Caminantes (the scouts old enough to no longer belong to a troop) and the Guias (the leaders of individual troops). Through a relatively informal process, I divided up the eight troops among four different weekdays (two per day) to come help me survey. The Caminantes will help me next Saturday. At this point, I couldn't help feeling more than a little excited and nervous. I had a survey and a schedule, all that was left was to execute.

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